Contract call handling

How Applayer's BDK handles chains of contract execution.

Each time a transaction or contract execution alters any state variables—such as creating a new contract, updating a variable, or initiating transfers—those changes are not set directly at the state, but rather kept track of in a separate location. This is crucially important, as contracts can call other contracts, and nested calls can prolong themselves to a point you have dozens if not hundreds of variables with changed values, or several transactions that were made that must be reverted because the call failed.

This is done within ContractHost by means of ContractStack. The class maintains a record of the original states of these variables, and registers changes made to them during a contract call. This record-keeping is essential for enabling a complete restoration of the original state in the event of a transaction rollback, ensuring that any adverse changes can be undone, safeguarding the blockchain's consistency, reliability and integrity.

For example, a call with a variable that starts with the value "10", then five calls down the line it throws for some reason, but the original value was altered mid-way to "50". The role of ContractStack in this situation is to revert that variable and all the other variables that were changed along the way back to their original values before the call was made (so our variable would have to go back to "10"), ensuring the state is not left with any stale or wrong data because of the failed call. Likewise, if the call is successful, ContractStack then applies all changes in order at once, in an atomic fashion, ensuring the state now has up-to-date data from after the contract's execution.

ContractStack class overview

Here's an overview of the ContractStack class definition and functionalities (comments removed for easier reading, check the contract/contractstack.h file for more details):

class ContractStack {
    boost::unordered_flat_map<Address, Bytes, SafeHash> code_;
    boost::unordered_flat_map<Address, uint256_t, SafeHash> balance_;
    boost::unordered_flat_map<Address, uint64_t, SafeHash> nonce_;
    boost::unordered_flat_map<StorageKey, Hash, SafeHash> storage_;
    std::vector<Event> events_;
    std::vector<std::pair<Address,BaseContract*>> contracts_;
    std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<SafeBase>> usedVars_;

    inline void registerCode(const Address& addr, const Bytes& code) { this->code_.try_emplace(addr, code); }

    inline void registerBalance(const Address& addr, const uint256_t& balance) { this->balance_.try_emplace(addr, balance); }

    inline void registerNonce(const Address& addr, const uint64_t& nonce) { this->nonce_.try_emplace(addr, nonce); }

    inline void registerStorageChange(const StorageKey& key, const Hash& value) { this->storage_.try_emplace(key, value); }

    inline void registerEvent(Event event) { this->events_.emplace_back(std::move(event)); }

    inline void registerContract(const Address& addr, BaseContract* contract) { this->contracts_.emplace_back(addr, contract); }

    inline void registerVariableUse(SafeBase& var) { this->usedVars_.emplace_back(var); }

    inline const boost::unordered_flat_map<Address, Bytes, SafeHash>& getCode() const { return this->code_; }
    inline const boost::unordered_flat_map<Address, uint256_t, SafeHash>& getBalance() const { return this->balance_; }
    inline const boost::unordered_flat_map<Address, uint64_t, SafeHash>& getNonce() const { return this->nonce_; }
    inline const boost::unordered_flat_map<StorageKey, Hash, SafeHash>& getStorage() const { return this->storage_; }
    inline std::vector<Event>& getEvents() { return this->events_; }
    inline const std::vector<std::pair<Address,BaseContract*>>& getContracts() const { return this->contracts_; }
    inline const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<SafeBase>>& getUsedVars() const { return this->usedVars_; }

The existence of only one instance of ContractStack per ContractHost, as well as its integration within the RAII framework of ContractHost, guarantees that state values are meticulously committed or reverted upon the completion or rollback of transactions. This robust design prevents state spill-over between different contract executions, fortifying transaction isolation and integrity across the blockchain network - even in the dynamic and mutable landscape of blockchain transactions, the integrity and consistency of state changes are meticulously maintained, safeguarding against unintended consequences and errors during contract execution.

Last updated