P2P Encoding

How P2P messages are structured in the Blockchain Development Kit (BDK).

This subchapter explains how P2P data travels through AppLayer, and how said data is encoded and decoded between nodes. All hexes displayed in this document are interpreted as bytes.


After the session successfully creates a connection, the first thing that happens is a handshake.



1 Byte

Host node type


2 Bytes

P2P Server Port


Structure that holds any type of P2P message, encoded as follows:


Request Flag

1 Byte

Request Type (Answer, request or broadcast)

Random ID

8 Bytes

Request ID

Command ID

2 Bytes

Command ID


X Bytes

Message Command Payload

Request Flag

Used to tell if the request is a "Request" (0), an "Answer" (1) to a previous request, or a "Broadcast" (2) request (verify and broadcast towards other nodes of the network).

A Request will always wait and have a respective Answer, while Broadcasts are processed directly. See the difference between functions called by handleAnswer()/handleRequest() and functions called by handleBroadcast(). The random ID of the Broadcast request is used to know if the node has previously received that broadcast and if it should rebroadcast or not.

Random ID

Used to tell different requests apart and make async requests. During a request, the random ID is calculated with 8 random bytes. During an answer, the random ID is equal to the random ID of the respective request. If it's a Broadcast request, the randomID equals SafeHash(payload).

Command ID

Used to tell which command type is encoded in the payload. See below for more info.


Used as the payload of the request/answer (if needed).


Given the example 0x01adf01827349cad810002123456789abcdef we can extract the following values:

  • Request Flag: 01

  • Random ID: adf01827349cad81

  • Command ID: 0002

  • Payload: 123456789abcdef



Pings another node.

  • Command ID: 0000

  • Request Type: Answer or Request

  • Request Payload: Empty

  • Request Example: 0x00adf01827349cad810000

  • Answer Payload: Empty

  • Answer Example: 0x01adf01827349cad810000


Requests a basic list of information from another node, while also sending its own.

  • Command ID: 0001

  • Request Type: Answer or Request

  • Request Payload: node version + epoch + latest nHeight + latest nHash + nConnectedNodes

  • Request Example: 0x00adf01827349cad81000100000000000000010005f70436085980000000000000000156aef6ce3d9cefb653ea6a53fc8e810c95268c01428223a8ee267ed2ac9f05d8

  • Answer Payload and Example: same as request



8 Bytes

Node Version


8 Bytes

Timestamp in UNIX microseconds


8 Bytes

latest block nHeight


32 Bytes

latest block hash


Request a list of connected nodes to a given node.

  • Command ID: 0002

  • Request Type: Answer or Request

  • Request Payload: Empty

  • Request Example: 0x00adf01827349cad810002

  • Answer Payload: Array of address type + address + port (only connections towards servers)

  • Answer Example: node has connections to servers and and gets requested with a requestNodes, it will encode an address as following: Bytes(NodeType) + Bytes(NodeID) + "0x00"/"0x01" depending on address type + Bytes(address) + Bytes(port). The encoded string will be Answer + RandomID + Command ID + Address¹ + Address²

    • Normal Node at, encoded as 0x00007f0000011f90

    • Discovery Node at, Node ID = , encoded as 0x01007f0000011f91

    • Final encoded answer string = 0x00adf01827349cad81000200007f0000011f9001007f0000011f91


Node Type (Repeatable)

1 Byte

Node Type (Normal or Discovery)

Address Type (Repeatable)

1 byte

Address type (v4 or v6)

Address (Repeatable)

4 or 16 Bytes


Port (Repetable)

2 Bytes

Node Server Port


Request the TxValidator memory pool of another node.

  • Command ID: 0003

  • Request Type: Answer or Request

  • Request Payload: Empty

  • Request Example: 0x00adf01827349cad810003

  • Answer Payload: nTxCount + [ 4 Bytes Tx size + N Bytes Tx data ]

  • Answer Example: node has two transactions within mempool with the following RLPs: f86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a08cfdf3826149ca0317eaf4f5832c867a4f5050e3e70d635323947d61a4f35618a07dbe86e6a8cef509c7c6174cb8c703ddd8cb695511d72043630d99888ff2ba20, and f86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a01545c0c89ad5fda9e4c6ef65f264ef575fa2edebef29d577f88d365ff9d28357a00d9ed64e1675315477aca44908148b9b572c7de45d420398193dcfc2d430d158

    • To encode this, the node has to encode the number of transactions (0x00000002), and then append the transactions' sizes and datas in an ordered manner

    • The resulting answer message would be 0x01adf01827349cad810003000000020000006df86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a08cfdf3826149ca0317eaf4f5832c867a4f5050e3e70d635323947d61a4f35618a07dbe86e6a8cef509c7c6174cb8c703ddd8cb695511d72043630d99888ff2ba200000006df86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a01545c0c89ad5fda9e4c6ef65f264ef575fa2edebef29d577f88d365ff9d28357a00d9ed64e1675315477aca44908148b9b572c7de45d420398193dcfc2d430d158



4 Byte

Tx Counter

TxSize (Repeatable)

4 Bytes

Tx Size

TxData (Repeatable)

N byte

Transaction RLP encoded data


Broadcast a given TxValidator to all known connected nodes connected. They should validate and rebroadcast.

  • Command ID: 0004

  • Request Type: Broadcast

  • Request Payload: Tx RLP

  • Request Example: 0x02adf01827349cad810004f86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a01545c0c89ad5fda9e4c6ef65f264ef575fa2edebef29d577f88d365ff9d28357a00d9ed64e1675315477aca44908148b9b572c7de45d420398193dcfc2d430d158


Broadcast a given TxBlock to all known connected nodes. They should validate and rebroadcast.

  • Command ID: 0005

  • Request Type: Broadcast only

  • Request Payload: Tx RLP

  • Request Example: 0x02adf01827349cad810005f86b02851087ee060082520894f137c97b1345f0a7ec97d070c70cf96a3d71a1c9871a204f293018008025a0d738fcbf48d672da303e56192898a36400da52f26932dfe67b459238ac86b551a00a60deb51469ae5b0dc4a9dd702bad367d1111873734637d428626640bcef15c


Broadcast a given Block to all known connected nodes. They should validate and rebroadcast.

  • Command ID: 0006

  • Request Type: Broadcast only

  • Request Payload: Block RLP

  • Request Example: 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


Request the TxBlock memory pool of another node.

  • Command ID: 0007

  • Request Type: Answer or Request

  • Request Payload: Empty

  • Request Example: 0x00adf01827349cad810003

  • Answer Payload: nTxCount + [ 4 Bytes Tx size + N Bytes Tx data ]

  • Answer Example: node has two transactions within mempool with the following RLPs: f86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a08cfdf3826149ca0317eaf4f5832c867a4f5050e3e70d635323947d61a4f35618a07dbe86e6a8cef509c7c6174cb8c703ddd8cb695511d72043630d99888ff2ba20, and f86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a01545c0c89ad5fda9e4c6ef65f264ef575fa2edebef29d577f88d365ff9d28357a00d9ed64e1675315477aca44908148b9b572c7de45d420398193dcfc2d430d158

    • To encode this, the node has to encode the number of transactions (0x00000002), and then append the transactions' sizes and datas in an ordered manner

    • The resulting answer message would be 0x01adf01827349cad810003000000020000006df86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a08cfdf3826149ca0317eaf4f5832c867a4f5050e3e70d635323947d61a4f35618a07dbe86e6a8cef509c7c6174cb8c703ddd8cb695511d72043630d99888ff2ba200000006df86ba4cfffe74621e0caa14dfcb67a6f263391f4a6ad957ace256f3e706b6da07517a63295165701823f44a01545c0c89ad5fda9e4c6ef65f264ef575fa2edebef29d577f88d365ff9d28357a00d9ed64e1675315477aca44908148b9b572c7de45d420398193dcfc2d430d158

Last updated