RLP (Recursive-Length Prefix)

How the Blockchain Development Kit (BDK) uses RLP to encode and decode transactions.

Transactions coming from the network are (de)serialized through a standard called Recursive-Length Prefix, also known as RLP and used extensively by Ethereum. As per their definition:

"RLP standardizes the transfer of data between nodes in a space-efficient-format. The only purpose of RLP is to encode structure and arbitrarily nested arrays of binary data."

Rules for decoding

First of all, the first byte of the data string defines what exactly the serialized string is storing. This can be broken down as follows:

  • A: byte < 0x80 means the value is the byte itself

    • e.g. 0x55 means the value is exactly 0x55

  • B: 0x80 > byte < 0xb7 means the value is between 0 and 55 bytes, calculated by subtracting 0x80 from it

    • e.g. 0x90 means the next 16 bytes after 0x90 contains the payload for that index (0x90 - 0x80 = 0x10 -> 16 bytes in decimal)

    • 0x900102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10 -> value is the next 16 bytes after 0x90, which would be 0x0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10

  • C: 0xb7 > byte < 0xc0 means the value is longer than 55 bytes, calculated by subtracting 0xb7 from it

    • e.g. 0xb9012c4e6bffdadac55ac51ec4718aeb6ea75db805d673c3b98128ff02558106170b7e66f38c573131bc0a1a0826fa90b7063a66a6a5f9a793d2295f874769349ffda6fc30e9154a787dbd604524497214cf97f1b56997107429718f6cc92804698972664af8a8c782da4f32a83ce20db38bf09f01a662fa598435a80780912daaa7e4a37be2feabcb90de0b717128c199cf8d18e31fa7bffd

    • 0xb9 - 0xb7 = 0x02 -> 2 bytes in decimal -> size is the next 2 bytes after 0xb9, which would be 0x012c = 300 bytes -> value is the next 300 bytes after 0x012c

  • D: byte > 0xc0 means the value is a list of 0 to 55 bytes, calculated by subtracting 0xc0 from it

    • e.g. 0xc50000000000 -> 0xc5 - 0xc0 = 0x05 -> 5 bytes in decimal -> value is the next 5 bytes after 0xc5, which would be 0x0000000000

    • This is not a valid list, as we don't use lists lower than 55 bytes when deserializing a transaction, since transactions are always larger than 55 bytes

  • E: byte > 0xf7 means the value is a list longer than 55 bytes, calculated by subtracting 0xf7 from it

    • e.g. 0xf8a90c8504a817c80082c160944fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6e7a623c7c5380b844a9059cbb0000000000000000000000006b71dcaa3fb9a4901491b748074a314dad9e980b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029e7ab336ae0b5000025a0ef2f3450e6860289dce618af68ebc7d518c3cb3ea4d1641cb2fe7c7251ff31d4a0540dcf1500630a1b0d0d0670eee012e2cf2c64cf3288d122e0efb0d3deb0340f

    • 0xf8 - 0xf7 = 0x01 -> 1 byte in decimal -> size is the next 1 byte after 0xf7, which would be 0xa9 = 169 bytes -> value is the next 169 bytes after 0xa9

Decoding a transaction

Let's take an example of a serialized and signed transaction and decode it:


  • We process the first byte: 0xf8 - this tells us the RLP payload is a list

  • 0xf8 - 0xf7 = 0x01 -> 1 byte - the size of the payload is the next 1 byte (0xa9)

  • 0xa9 = 169 bytes -> the payload is the next 169 bytes

When serializing a transaction to the database, we also append the from address to the end of the string, OUTSIDE of the list so it won't mess up the transaction data. Keep that in mind when deserializing from the database.

From here, we'll decode the rest of the data, in this order (following after 0xf8a9):

1 - Nonce -> can be either a single byte (rule A) or a payload under 55 bytes (rule B)

  • 0x0c -> less than 0x80, thus rule A -> nonce is 0x0c = 12 in decimal

2 - Gas Price -> always a payload under 55 bytes (rule B)

  • 0x85 -> 0x85 - 0x80 = 0x05 -> 5 bytes -> gas price is 0x04a817c800 = 20000000000 in decimal (uint256)

3 - Gas Limit -> always a payload under 55 bytes (rule B), because the minimum gas limit for an Ethereum transaction is 21000

  • 0x82 -> 0x82 - 0x80 = 0x02 -> 2 bytes -> gas limit is 0xc160 = 49504 in decimal (uint256)

4 - Receiver address ("to") -> always a payload under 55 bytes (rule B), because we know an address is always 20 bytes

  • 0x94 -> 0x94 - 0x80 = 0x14 -> 20 bytes -> receiver address is 0x4fabb145d64652a948d72533023f6e7a623c7c53

5 - Value -> always a payload under 55 bytes (rule B)

  • 0x80 -> 0x80 - 0x80 = 0 bytes -> value is 0

6 - Arbitrary data -> can be either a value between 0 and 55 (rule B) or longer (rule C)

  • 0xb8 -> more than 0xb7, thus rule C -> 0xb8 - 0xb7 = 1 byte -> size is 0x44 = 68 bytes -> data is 0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000006b71dcaa3fb9a4901491b748074a314dad9e980b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000029e7ab336ae0b50000

7 - ECDSA signature recovery ID ("v") -> can be either a single byte (rule A) or a payload under 55 bytes (rule B)

  • 0x25 -> less than 0x80, thus rule A -> v is 0x25 = 37 in decimal

8 - ECDSA signature first half ("r") -> always a payload under 55 bytes (rule B)

  • 0xa0 - 0xa0 - 0x80 = 0x20 -> 32 bytes -> r is 0xef2f3450e6860289dce618af68ebc7d518c3cb3ea4d1641cb2fe7c7251ff31d4

9 - ECDSA signature second half ("s") -> always a payload under 55 bytes (rule B)

  • 0xa0 - 0xa0 - 0x80 = 0x20 -> 32 bytes -> s is 0x540dcf1500630a1b0d0d0670eee012e2cf2c64cf3288d122e0efb0d3deb0340f

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